Certification of hospital services

Certification of hospital services

Quite often, hospitals or clinics only want to highlight certain activities that have built up their reputation, before eventually embarking on the accreditation of their entire establishment. This is known as certification of a service.
This may be the case for:
- Operating theatres
- Le service de gériatrie
- The Emergency Department
- The obstetrics department
- The imaging department
- Intensive care
These service certifications will cover the following elements:
- Personnel management
- Patient care
- Management of medicinal products
- Hygiene and infection control
- Prevention and management of crisis situations
- Material and infrastructure management
In a hospital or in a clinics, the neighbourhoods operating procedures are a very important element. It generates both a lot of activity and a lot of income. But it is also the site of significant and recurrent malfunctions that have consequences for the dramatic. These malfunctions are both medical in nature and in the treatment of the patient and logistics, or in the overall process. Efficiency of institutions from health can analyse itself at through from efficiency from their blocks operating procedures and associated perioperative services. The issues at stake are fundamental because of the number of players à coordinate and of interfaces between the logistical, medical and administrative services. Not forgetting the general practitioner or even the variety of acts taken in burden. In addition, there is the need for time control and a shortage of manpower and materials. These cumulative dysfunctions have a direct impact at three levels. For the patients, for the nursing staff and for the institution itself.

This certification will help you stand out and give your patients confidence, especially new patients and patients from other regions or from abroad.
If you have many patients from other countries, a specific module on the care of foreign patients will be part of the guide. This will set you apart from other institutions and ensure that your patients receive a quality service.